Comunitatea uCoz Configurări ale sistemului uCoz Chestiuni generale Unde trebuie sa pun META Tag-urile (Unde trebuie sa pun META Tag-urile) |
Unde trebuie sa pun META Tag-urile |
META Tag-urile trebuie puse in fiecare pagina. Ca de exemplu: in site page, Site News (Page of entries archive, Page with entry full text and its comments), Publisher (Publisher main page, Page with section contents, Page with category contents, Page with entry full text and its comments, Page with search results and entries rating, Entry adding/edditing page), File catalog (File catalog maine page, Page with section contents, Page with category contents, Page with entry full text and its comments, Page with search results and entries rating, Entry adding/edditing page).
<meta name="Description" content="A description of your website/web-page goes here"> <META name="Author" content="Information about the author goes here"> <META name="Keywords" content="Keywords for your website separated by commas"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" content="Read above for your language, for example EN"> <META name="Robots" content="index,follow"> Trebuie sa pun META Tag-ul pentru descriere (<meta name="Description" content="A description of your website/web-page goes here">) in Page with section contents, Page with category contents, Page with entry full text and its comments, Page with search results and entries rating, Entry adding/edditing page sau doar in site page? Va rog sa ma ajutati. Multumiri anticipate. |
articolenoi, pe fiecare pagina dupa
ca sa nu te chinui intri pe: CP » Customize design » Quick replacement alegi metoda Multiline: La Find: pui Code </title> iar la Replace by: pui Code </title> <meta name="Description" content="A description of your website/web-page goes here"> <META name="Author" content="Information about the author goes here"> <META name="Keywords" content="Keywords for your website separated by commas"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" content="Read above for your language, for example EN"> <META name="Robots" content="index,follow"> Desigur META ale tale nu cele din exemplu Replace si atat |
Multumesc Muşatinu,
Dar nu trebuie pusa descrierea conform fiecarei pagina? De exemplu: La publisher am filme. Trebuie sa pun <meta name="Description" content=descrierea pentru filme"> La load am download . Trebuie sa pun <meta name="Description" content=descrierea pentru download"> S-au las o descriere generala pe site, adica <meta name="Description" content="descriere filme, download"> Multumesc mult! |
Ok. thanks Muşatinu pentru tot.
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