Comunitatea uCoz Configurări ale sistemului uCoz Configurarea design-ului Galerie de imagini (ce gresesc?) |
Galerie de imagini |
Vreau de ceva vreme sa adaug la un site o galerie de imagini mai...deosebita, cel putin pentru mine.
Am ales pentru a face asta PHOTO GALLERY BUILDER. Pentru cei care cunosc programul, dupa ce am adaugat imaginile (de proba), am publicat galeria, mi-a exportat folderul pe Desktop, iar apoi de aici le-am Uploadat prin FTP pe site. Dupa aceea am urmat pasii specificati aici: How to insert the gallery on your web-page? When you have published your gallery then you are able to upload it to a website. 1. Open the folder where your gallery was published. 2. Copy the gallery folder with all files located to the server where your webpage is. You will get approximately this list of files: * /yourWebPage.html – your webpage * /gallery/ * /gallery/config.xml * /gallery/gallery.swf * /gallery/js/ * /gallery/js/jquery.js * /gallery/js/swfobject.js * /gallery/js/flashgallery.js * /gallery/images/ * /gallery/images/1.jpg * /gallery/images/t1.jpg * /gallery/images/2.jpg * /gallery/images/t2.jpg * /gallery/images/3.jpg * /gallery/images/t3.jpg * ... * /gallery/images/n.jpg * /gallery/images/tn.jpg 3. Copy this embed code: <script type="text/javascript" src="gallery/js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="gallery/js/swfobject.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="gallery/js/flashgallery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery.flashgallery('gallery/gallery.swf', 'gallery/config.xml', { width: '470px', height: '385px', background: 'transparent' }); </script> 4.Paste the copied code to your webpage. Am inlocuit apoi in script asa: <script type="text/javascript" src="http://site/gallery/js/jquery.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="site/gallery/js/swfobject.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="http://site/gallery/js/flashgallery.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">jQuery.flashgallery('http://site/gallery/gallery.swf', 'http://site/gallery/config.xml', { width: '470px', height: '385px', background: 'transparent' });</script> Iar rezultatul:) ......DEZAMAGITOR O galerie de imagini care se incarca la nesfarsit. Unde este greseala mea? Staer Alba - Mobila pentru familia ta.
link sursa? fisierele sunt uploadate pe main root al site-ului si sunt acestea * /yourWebPage.html – your webpage * /gallery/ * /gallery/config.xml * /gallery/gallery.swf * /gallery/js/ * /gallery/js/jquery.js * /gallery/js/swfobject.js * /gallery/js/flashgallery.js * /gallery/images/ * /gallery/images/1.jpg * /gallery/images/t1.jpg * /gallery/images/2.jpg * /gallery/images/t2.jpg * /gallery/images/3.jpg * /gallery/images/t3.jpg * ... * /gallery/images/n.jpg * /gallery/images/tn.jpg in functie de link site binenteles Staer Alba - Mobila pentru familia ta.
am facuto cu Photo Gallery Builder
am salvato pe desktop (publish local) dupa care prin FTP am uploadat fisierele necesare Iar apoi in acest cod (care iti este dat de la Photo Gallery Builder) <script type="text/javascript" src="gallery/js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="gallery/js/swfobject.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="gallery/js/flashgallery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery.flashgallery('gallery/gallery.swf', 'gallery/config.xml', { width: '470px', height: '385px', background: 'transparent' }); </script> am inlocuit gallery/js/jquery.js cu http://site/gallery/js/jquery.js si asa mai departe pentru swfobject,flashgallery.... Adăugat (13/04/2012, 10:29 PM) Adăugat (27/04/2012, 4:07 PM) Staer Alba - Mobila pentru familia ta.
greseala mea era ca urcam cu tot cu config.xml prin FTP fara a modifica linkurile imaginilor intai.
Din aceasta cauza galeria nu mergea pentru ca nu vedea imaginile, in rest era bine. am facut pe un site de test o galerie sa vezi cam cum arata acu Muşatinu, templateul galeriei poate fi schimbat binenteles. Vezi aici. Mersi frumos de intentie oricum Muşatinu, Adăugat (27/04/2012, 6:30 PM) Staer Alba - Mobila pentru familia ta.
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