Comunitatea uCoz Configurări ale sistemului uCoz Chestiuni generale Noi Preturi uCoz (De pe 8 Septembrie 6$ fara reclame) |
Noi Preturi uCoz |
Avand in vedere ca pe forumul in limba engleza topicul este ascuns de moderatori il pun aici.
As predicted here : http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/46-18545-1 Source : http://blog.ucoz.ru/ Translated : https://translate.google.com/?hl=en#ru/en/ Check out and translate the comments on the uCoz ru blog. (you have to manually translate for every page except for the first one) Official Announcement : http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fblog.ucoz.ru%2Fblog%2Fnew_tariffs%2F2014-08-27-342 Details :: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&rurl=translate.google.gr&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http://tariffs.ucoz.net/&usg=ALkJrhiGksbKAgMTDHZzjAoRfRn_x5PFzQ (click more options to see more) Observations : 1. You now have to pay 100% more for the basic package in order to remove ads completely. ( 6$ instead of 3$ ) 2. You need to pay now 10$ instead of 5.49$ in order to use shop module. 3. The old premium+ with php goes from 13$ to 16$. Or 11$ to 16$. 4. The copyright removal starts with the new 10$ package instead of the old 9$ package. The new 8$ package having Copyright "can be removed" how? buy paying extra ? While the 10$ and 16$ packages you can chose whether to remove it or not ? Who would keep it ? Confusing... Citat What to do if you have already paid for any services? If you have already paid forward some services, we, of course, will render them to you at the old prices. Nothing to pay extra or do not have to count! And you can buy the old packages in advance? All current rates can be paid at the old prices until 7th September inclusive. After this date, you can select only the new tariffs and options. What to do if you want to go to the new rates without waiting for action already paid. Sponsored by 7 September packages can be canceled and a refund on the front of the account from which you can immediately pay for the new packages. Questions. 1. If i buy the old premium package 9$ now for 5 years what will i get after 8 September ? The 10$ shop package ? 2. What if i pay for the old Premium + 13$ for 5 years what will i get after 8 September ? The 16$ maximum package ? 3. What about Business ($5.49), Advanced ($6.49), and Developer ($10.99) ? Into what new packages will they change ? For example : a) Will Business will also turn into shop or will it turn into basic and thus disable the shop module that was present in the Business package ? b) Will Developer also turn into Maximum ? c) Will Advance also turn into Shop ? Thank you. Hoping for sincere answers for every question. |
Urs, sunt niște propuneri care nu sunt neapărat cele finale 100%. Vor fi operate niște modificări, iar versiunile finale vor fi comunicate până la data de 8 Septembrie inclusiv. Mulțumim din nou pentru feed-back și întrebări!
Be the change you want to see in the world. M Gandhi.
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